Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Lessons for Italy

During the last nine months as I have bragged to people that I would be going to Italy I have been given a lot of advice on what to expect there. I'm not saying these snippets are necessarily wrong, or right, but I still find it odd that people who have never even been to Italy seem to know what they are talking about. I won't ignore what you all have said completely, but I've decided to take some of it with a grain of salt.
"Watch out for those greasy Italian men pinching your butt!" This is the most prominent phrase from people that I've heard, or some variant relating to the personalities and conduct of the men from Italy. Now, I've been to Italy... and they aren't THAT bad! My god, the way people talk you'd be thinking I'm going into a war zone! I think its just a reputation they have that they can't necessarily shake. I just finished reading the autobiography Eat, Love, Pray and she spends four months in Italy and the men don't pay her much sexual attention and she feels old and put off. She then is reassured that its not her looks, its that the men have toned it down, not that the world realizes it. I guess I'll find out if this is true. The other thing about the Italian men being affectionate is that it is part of their culture. Isn't it judgemental to project our social ideals on a completely different culture! If thats how they do things over there, then who are we to say boo to that... its not our place.
"Drink wine and Eat" Don't worry, I'm ready, and I've accepted that I'll probably gain some weight while I'm gone. When a church friend of the family found out I was going to study italian language and culture he replied, "So you'll be eating and drinking wine?" I think he's right, even if my culture class isn't about food and wine, my 'independent studies' (so to speak) will definitely be. I've already promised my sister and brother in law to scope out the best gelato place in town so when they come we don't have to waste their time and can go straight to the good stuff!
I also got the parent talks. I HATE parent talks, they are soooo bad! My mom doesn't give talks like Danny on Full House... it just doesn't work that way. They always end with me really cranky and mom being glad its over. I only really get them as I get ready to go somewhere. This trip I've gotten the 'how do you take care of yourself in a city?' talk, which ended in me flat out refusing to talk about it, and the 'be smart around wine(alcohol)' talk. I don't really know why I haven't gotten that talk sooner, like for instance, when I left for college. Anyway, I got it on Saturday and all I could say back was,"mom really, I know more than you think."
"Have a blast!" I'm sitting here writing this before heading to the airport and it still feels pretty surreal that I'm leaving for the semester. I have no doubt that I will experience everything that I can, and I know I will have fun. You all must keep me informed on your lives just as you have the option of reading here about my life. I'll miss you, but its worth it!


Anonymous said...

Yes, gelato scoping is your first priority. Everything else is extra credit.

Did I mention that I look really good in brown? You're awesome and thanks for the t-shirt!

aprilmaeclara said...

Well, i had just writen you a nice long message but it deleted when i had to create a profile... Something about old people wanting you to know they know stuff even if it is outdated and what's the 411... i think.
anywho. I did say hope you're so busy you aren't even thinking of me!