Friday, January 18, 2008

Non Capisco!!!

I've been in this country now for 10 days and this is the first one that I've had internet. I actually thought about titling this post '10 days without internet' but then maybe everybody would think I was dwelling on this... ok I am. I never realized how much I rely on the internet, not even for email or facebook but for answers to little questions.
I'm a week into my intensive language course and I've learned to count, tell time, and introduce myself. I'm practically fluent! But no, actually I've also learned present tense verbs and the exceptions... very handy. Now I can say 'I don't understand! Do you speak English?' which is 'Non capisco! Parli inglese?'
Non Capisco...its the story of my life. In class I start to think I understand and then I get called on and...oh, non capisco. I ask how much something costs and get chatted at in italian...non capisco. Random boy comes up and says 'I see you standing here and I think to myself, I want to talk to her.' My answer, 'uh...non capisco.' I tell you, its my answer for everything! Either that or non lo so, I don't know.
The social lives of the Italians is something I can understand. The big nights to go out on the town are Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday. OnTuesday there's this bar(everything here is a bar, restaurants, cafes, bars...its all the same!) that has dress up night and every week is a different theme! How fun is that!? The other thing is that Italians do not drink until they are drunk, they just drink socially. I think this is the best news I've heard! Its highly frowned upon to get really drunk and make a fool of yourself like Americans tend to do. What a relief! Social drinking... something I can very much understand. And social drinking in Italy starts at lunch time! I feel like I have three options of beverages to order when out... Sparkling water, a glass of wine, or an espresso (I literally drink straight shots of espresso these days!)
I may not understand the language yet, but I'm starting to get the hang of the people and the city, and thats the first step. I shouldn't be expecting too much of myself after only 10 days anyway!

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