Thursday, January 24, 2008

The Laundry Outfit

Yesterday was crazy. Yesterday everything seemed to go frustratingly. I don't know if I would call it a bad day...just frustrating. I'm going to ignore the fact that I had a midterm, that I worked at school in the lab for 2 hours next to a smelly girl, and that at lunch I had a horrible discussion about my diet... which wouldn't be that bad, I know that it sparks discussion, but the debate was so uninformed and frustrating!!! What you should know about is my doing laundry.
The building I live in has three towers. Each tower is 8-9 stories tall and each floor has 6-7 appartments. That means there are approximately 108 people who share each laundry room. The laundry room is located on floor A (between 1 and 2) along with things like the electrical other words, its creep central. There are pipes everywhere that are always making noises. The laundry room itself only has two washers and one dryer, and when the washers are on the spin cylce water bubbles and seeps up through the drain in the middle of the floor, I know, weird.
So Anne and I decide to do our laundry, and we both brought very limited wardrobes so we needed to wash everything possible. Picture this...I am wearing sweatpants and my down vest zipped all the way up because I'm not wearing a shirt under it, not to mention, my hair looks crazy! Anne looks even better...she is wearing a a sweater on top of a nightgown on top of a lacy slip...yeah, we look great. I wish I had gotten a picture, next time! (The funny thing about this is that I had to run downstairs to the store to get more change and I got hit on more in my laundry outfit then ever! I haven't really experienced it much, but last night the men came out of the woodwork for my laundry outfit!)
Anne says the point of a laundry outfit is that as little people see you as possible...if we were completely successful, we wouldn't even see each other. Lucky for us the machine ate a bunch of our coins so we had to go running around the building to people we know collecting coins. 1 euro here, 50 cents there. Yes, it felt like everybody saw us. Now I looked relatively normal according to american standards, but not italian...Anne just looked ridiculous. Someone did finally comment on it to my great joy!
What made this worse was half way through our evening of laundry excursions, we get a phone call that I answer and the guy says, "Its Andrea, we met in the centro in front of the cathedral. We spoke little english and you live in Darsena 713 blah blah blah." I was so confused and kept saying... "I don't remember, I don't remember this!" I finally told him he had the wrong number and hung up on him. Two minutes later we get a knock on our door and a guy saying, "I'm sorry for the phone call, open the door." Don't worry, we didn't. So then we were all creeped out and we still had to run and take care of our laundry several times. It was bad news.
I didn't get to bed until 1.30 but I ate some double chocolate cookie dough before going to bed so that I wouldn't have nightmares about creepers in the laundry room!!!

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