Sunday, March 16, 2008

Charlotte's Visit

Have you ever had a friend that shared a bond with you nobody else could have? An unbreakable bond that seems stronger than time? Ok, I know that this is cheesy, but this is how I feel about my friend Charlotte. Charlotte and I were exchange students together in Norway, she's from Germany.
Earlier this week she visited me for a couple days and it was the first time I had seen her in almost exactly three years. I'm not gonna lie, I was nervous about things were going to go. But when she showed up and I saw her it was like no time had passed. She looked the same, and it felt the same to talk to her, just as easy. It was the most surreal feeling I've had in a VERY long time.
And seeing Charlotte made me realize how much I learned and matured during my semester in Hamar. I wonder if it was specific to that experience at the age of 17, or if it works the same no matter what study abroad someone goes on. Later, maybe a year or two from now will I visit Anne (my roommate and best friend here) and only then truly realized what I learned and how much I changed from my semester in Italy? I am aware of all the things I am learning right now, but am I aware of how they are affecting me? It is a question I don't think is possible to answer right now but it certainly is interesting to think about!
I had a lovely time showing Charlotte around Ferrara, cooking her dinner, chatting, reminiscing, and when it came to saying goodbye I was happy and relieved to know I would be visiting her in Germany in just two months! What a change from 3 years!

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