Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Sono Stanca

I know, I know, me blogging two days in a row... this is unheard of! I'm just feeling overwhelmed right now, I have really bad contact with everybody, which is horrible, because I need all you all's support and love now more than ever!!! Life here no longer has the 'new and exciting' feeling to it... now its just hard, its school, its across the world, and I still can't speak Italian well enough to really feel comfortable.
I've been wondering why there are only a select few people that I hear from on a regular basis. My roommate pointed out to me that maybe you all think that I am in a new place and the one with an exciting life, why would I have time to here about the old lives of those in Kenai or at PLU... So, this is my plea to you... I want to hear from you! Everything! I care just as much or more now what you are up to! Please, even just a comment on my blog every once in a while or a comment on facebook... I'm not asking for a novel length email, I know how much work that takes!
Love you all!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Siri!

I am thinking about you right now ... on a cold dark winter night in Alaska. I love to see what Jessica's friends are up to. It will be nice to have you all back here again this summer. I'll have to make a nice dinner for you. Take care and think of me next time you have a gelato/gelati (I'm not sure of the correct spelling). Mrs. Summer (Mary Ellen)